Login - Frequently asked questions

When you place an order on the Krumb Kraft shop for the first time, your account has automatically been created for you, and you would have received an email (on the email address you provided) with an automatically generated password.  And depending on the settings on the device where you placed your first order, you would never need to login again as the login is “remembered” on the device.

1. Where are my login details ? How do I recover my password ?

Just look for an email with the subject “Your Krumb Kraft account has been created!” .
  • If you find the email – The email has your automatically generated username / password which you can use to login
  • If you cant find the email – head to the my-account page and choose the “Lost your password” and follow further steps to recover your password.
2. Where do I change my password ?
  • Login into the my-account page
  • Click on the “Account details” tab and follow instructions
3. How do I save my login details, so that I dont have to login everytime I order ? Head to the my-account page and login with the “Remember me” checked.
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